Monday, May 2, 2011

Carrot terrine. Be patient, we're getting to the meat and potatoes soon....

As we head towards winter (huge chill in the Sydney air today), my thoughts are invariably beginning to turn to warm, winter fare, and meat terrines. However, I've had a last hurrah with the veggie terrine - the last attempted being carrot and cumin. This is a very fresh, creamy terrine with a subtle cumin-infused flavour. It doesn't take a lot of prep, and the main ingredients are carrots and cream. 

Slice the carrots lengthwise, horizontally. Simply blanch the carrots so that they are par-cooked, then stack them in a cling-wrapped terrine base. In between, whip up a sauce of double cream, 2 eggs, saffron threads and a dash of cumin. Then bake it for about 40 minutes in a water bath. The result is nothing short of spectacular.

Serve with lightly toasted sesame seeds sprinkled over the terrine. Your dinner hosts won't be disappointed (I know mine weren't)! 

I do humbly apologise for the length of time that has transpired between terrines. It's shameful. But the past four weeks have been among the busiest of my life, with a chaotic number of assignments before I head on my teaching prac, and working on large number of zany writing projects! Please forgive me...I shall post again very soon!